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42 stepper motor drive, suitable for continuous and constant transmission of small flow, mostly used for equipment matching

Product description

OEMDSK100-07/WX10 is a peristaltic pump designed and developed mainly for supporting customers. The speed range is ≤100rpm, the speed is adjustable, and it can provide a flow of 40ml/min. It adopts the bottom plate installation method, and the DC power supply is 12V, 24V optional. Small size, compact structure, suitable for supporting use.


Technical parameter

◇ Speed ​​range: ≤100rpm

◇ Speed ​​control resolution: 0.1rpm

◇ Reference flow: ≤40mL/min

◇ Applicable hose specifications: inner diameter≤3.17mm, wall thickness 0.8mm-1.0mm

◇ Direction control: external input empty contact. The contact is normally open and the peristaltic pump runs clockwise; the contact is normally closed and the peristaltic pump runs counterclockwise.

◇ Start-stop control: external input empty contact. When the contact is normally open, the peristaltic pump runs; when the contact is normally closed, the peristaltic pump stops.

◇ Dip switch speed control: 16-speed BCD dip switch, 0-speed corresponding to the speed is controlled by an external signal, 1-F corresponding to the speed (rpm) 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100

◇ External signal speed control (optional): 4-20mA linear corresponds to 0.1-100rpm, 0-5V linear corresponds to 0-100rpm, 0-10V linear corresponds to 0-100rpm, 0-10kHz linear corresponds to 0-100rpm

◇ Communication address setting: The communication address is set through the DIP switch, and the communication address setting range is 1-30.

◇ Communication baud rate setting: Set the communication baud rate through the dial switch, 1200bps or 9600bps is optional.

◇ Overall dimensions (length×width×height): 106×60×81mm

◇ Relative humidity of working environment: <80%

◇ Working environment temperature: 0℃~40℃

◇ Applicable power supply: DC11.4V-25.2V

◇ Power consumption: ≤12W

◇ Weight: 0.51kg



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